Management Assurance & Risk Advisory / Internal Governance Review |
Effective, efficient and controlled operations are key to meeting the business objectives. The design of operations impacts not only services provided to customers but also the suppliers , stakeholders etc. The stakeholders ,independent directors and key management personnel today are no longer satisfied with generic assurance. They expect internal auditors to play a larger role in ensuring adequacy of internal controls and also guiding them in risk identification and risk mitigation process. It is therefore necessary to have well-designed and documented operational procedures. Our internal audit methodology is aligned to identify key risks in the process, map them to the business objectives, establish the gap and help the management in closing them. Our Internal audit activity is designed to add value and improve an organization's operations. It helps an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes. Our service in this area include: |
- Risk based Management and Internal audit services across all industries with emphasis on review of process and internal controls and recommendations;
- R. Devendra Kumar & Associates Internal Audit Services (IAS) employs highly skilled professionals, who can help solve common problems with the right solutions, contemporary processes and methodologies and superior tools and technologies.
- R. Devendra Kumar & Associates helps organizations improve their quality and effectiveness of the internal audit process by assisting with the following;
- Developing Internal Financial Control Review /Risk Control Matrix and carrying out the effectiveness testing.
- Advising and assisting in the development of internal audit and risk management methodologies
- Assessing the effectiveness of the internal audit function in delivering to stakeholders
- Providing internal audit resourcing solutions, including full outsourcing or complementing in-house functions with specialist skills or geographical coverage
- Risk Management Audit to help Management to make well informed decisions based on Risk Assessment and Mapping on Risk Heat Matrix.
- Internal audits of specific areas and to advise management on operation efficiency and cost reduction
- Reviews / Preparation of standard operating procedures
- Review of existing process and evaluating internal controls
- Review of Management Information System with a view to guide management to make it more effective and also advising management in designing such system
- Advise and assistance in setting up ERP systems.
- Financial and Commercial Due Diligence
- Forensic Audits
- Concurrent Audits.